Happy Wednesday!

Today is Pink Shirt Day. We watched a short YouTube video that showed the boys what pink shirt day is all about. We then had a discussion about ways we show kindness to others and some things we can do if we see someone being mistreated. Some of the things the boys mentioned were:

  • Helping someone when they get hurt
  • Ask someone to play with you on the playground
  • If you see someone being unkind to another person stand up for that person. Tell the person to stop being unkind, and ask the other person if they're okay
  • Ask for help from an adult: parents, teachers, principal, grandparents, etc.
  • Ask them to come over for a playdate
  • Smiling at someone
  • Sharing toys, materials or snacks
  • Giving someone a compliment
After our discussion the boys chose their favourite way they show kindness and they drew that on a pink t-shirt.

Here's what the boys had to say about the day:

How did we grow today?
·     We played parachute games in gym again. We also played partner tag.
·     I drew a picture of Kion.
·     We drew designs on pink shirts and me and my friend made a museum in construction center.
·     In the colouring center I made two pirate ships and coloured a Charmander.
·     I played in the water table during centers, the water table had bubbles in it.
·     We learned about why Pink Shirt Day started. We also talked about ways we can be kind.
·     It is Pink Shirt Day today.


  • Tomorrow is spring photo day. The boys are not required to wear their uniforms. 
  • Tomorrow is library day, please return any books you may have at home. 


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