Happy Thursday!

We had spring photos today, and the boys all looked so great! During our work time we continued our work with patterns. The boys were asked to make two different types of patterns (AB, ABC, AAB or ABB). Ask your son which types of patterns he made. We also went to the library today, some of the boys will be bringing home new library books. Next weeks letter of the week is K. Please feel free to send any items you may have that start with the letter K so your son can share them with his classmates.

Here's what the boys had to say about the day:

How did we grow today?
·     My friend and I made a skateboard park in the construction center.
·     Today I played in the water center with my friend and we made a long tube and when we filled them up with water the bubbles came flying out.
·     Mrs. Temple played with us in the water center.
·     I built another spy tool with the small tube toys.
·     We made some patterns today.
·     We went to the library.
·     We got our pictures taken today.


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