Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Today we learned about the letter V; the sound it makes and some words that begin with V. Ask your son if he can remember what sound the letter V makes and two words that start with that letter.

Here's what the boys had to say about the day:

How did we grow today?
·       We played parachute games in gym.
·      We learned about the letter v today. The sound it makes and some words that start with the letter V.
·      Me and my friend played in the water table.
·      I made a Lego house during centers.
·      At construction center, I made an aquarium.
·      Today I made a melty bead star. We also glued pictures of vegetables to our letter V sheet.
·      I played with Lego during centers.
·      We practiced printing upper case and lowercase letter V.
·      As a warm up in gym we played band aid tag.
·      I coloured a badge during morning bins.

  • Wednesday, Februrary 26th is Pink Shirt Day. If your son would like to, he can wear a pink shirt to school. 
  • Thursday, February 27th is Spring Photo Day.


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