Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Today the boys and I talked about the letter of the week; W. We came up wth a list of most of the words we knew that start with the letter W. We also glued Wagon Wheel pasta to our letter W sheet. Ask your son if he can name 2 or 3 things that start with the letter W, and the sound that W makes.

Here's what the boy's had to say about today:

How did we grow today?

·     Today in gym we started Mission Impossible.
·     In Lego center, I made an airplane that could change into a boat and then change back into an airplane.
·     I played in the water table and I made ice cream for the teachers and another boy in the class.
·     We learned the sound the letter W makes, and some things that start with the letter W.
·     I made Jurassic world in the construction center.
·     I made a boat with a person on it and a pet squirrel.
·     I used cups in the water table to make ice cream cones and the water beads were the ice cream. There were 100 flavours.
·     Mission Impossibe was fun today.


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